Republican Jobs is a 2025 Reed Award Winner for “Best Political Service Team”. Find out why our clients love using Republican Jobs by filling out the form below.
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Republican Jobs is a political headhunter, not a job board. Republican Jobs maintains one of the largest talent pools of ready-to-work qualified candidates seeking employment in Republican campaigns and political roles. All referrals made to our clients are applicants who are ready for the role they’ve been referred for. In the 2022 General Election, we successfully placed over 1,400 operatives in a range of campaign and political positions. Our team of recruiters has also placed and staffed over 5,000 operatives in the past two election cycles in previous political recruitment capacities. If you are interested in filling an open position or staffing a campaign, please click here to contact us for more information. Republican Jobs actively recruits and refers applicants for political employers and contracting entities, and charges a small referral fee to employers and contracting entities when applicants are successfully placed.
Are you a campaign or political consultant? Learn more about working with Republican Jobs to find your placement.
Are you a C3, C4, Non-Profit, or Government Agency? Learn more about working with BuildRed LLC to find your placement.
Republican Jobs does not charge Congressional or Senate offices for placing individuals in D.C. based-roles.
How Else Can Republican Jobs Help My Company If I’m Not Hiring?
While Republican Jobs is primarily a referral service, we regularly assist political organizations, agencies, campaigns, and consultants in finding a variety of services. Whether it’s helping political consultants develop realistic contract bids for services like Grassroots or Creative (e.g., “Can you get me ‘#’ of people in ‘X’ state by ‘X’ time?”), providing vendor or subcontractor recommendations, or helping you get ahead of hiring costs before the busy season, we’re here to help.
Can Republican Jobs Help Find Contractors?
Republican Jobs maintains comprehensive lists of contractors for creative work, grassroots initiatives, fundraising (both large and small dollar), and data services (and more!) from dozens of firms. Having worked with over 100 political consulting firms, from small to large, we consistently have a pulse on which organizations or groups are available and do great work—without the politics. We track everything from small firms to large agencies and their product offerings, and we’re always ready to provide recommendations—though they are just that, recommendations. Whether you need a solo graphic designer or a print shop known for quick turnarounds, we’re here to assist.
Does Republican Jobs Have Vendor Recommendations?
Republican Jobs regularly curates preferred vendor lists for campaigns upon request. We understand that hiring doesn’t solve every campaign issue. Although we are NOT political consultants and have no intention of becoming such, we recognize that some campaign needs are better addressed through consultants, contractors, or businesses rather than through direct hiring. We LOVE making referrals, as we are fans of some amazing firms that do great work to help the Republicans and Conservatives win!
Learn more at www.RepublicanJobs.gop/vendorrecommendations