Remote/Hybrid Work & the Political Job Market: What to Do (and Not To Do) in a Remote Job Search

January 21, 2024

Remote/Hybrid Work & the Political Job Market: What to Do (and Not to Do) in a Remote Job Search


Remote/Hybrid Work and the Political Job Market: What to Do (and What Not to Do) in a Remote Job Search

Every day at Republican Jobs, I witness the high demand for remote work, with dozens of resumes flooding our inbox, all competing for these positions. Some remote roles are in such high demand that we have to remove them from our website due to being inundated with hundreds of applicants, though not always for the right reasons. The surge in applications for our remote openings is so overwhelming that I can’t guarantee our clients will review each one, even after we’ve weeded out unqualified candidates. It’s troubling to see applicants limiting themselves solely to remote roles, as (and why would they) not always realize that these opportunities are open to any qualified candidate nationwide, which significantly decreases their chances of success. These applicants sometimes become frustrated after applying to 4-5 remote roles without success, and worse, they often shoot the messenger. Having interviewed so many political job seekers who are desperately seeking employment and strongly prefer remote options, I find myself continually addressing the question: Is remote work truly viable in our industry, and if so, why is it so difficult to secure such positions? And, is there a way to increase your chances of being placed in these roles given how competitive they are?

We hope this overview will help our remote job seekers become more competitive and successful in their search, and understand what Republican Jobs sees on the other side of the job search.

National Remote Job Trends

Currently, the national hiring market is experiencing a significant demand for remote work, even as companies transition back to in-person operations. As conservatives well-versed in supply and demand, we understand that we’re facing a situation with high demand but limited supply. As headhunters, we can connect applicants to available roles, but we cannot create roles that don’t exist. We heard from dozens of clients in the 2022 political cycle that firms that brought on remote workers were burned. Even if there are plenty of solid remote workers (and we know there are many!), many employers felt burned out by the end of the cycle. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t ANY remote roles – but the reality is that they are decreasing in supply as demand from workers rises.

As a recruiter/headhunter, unfortunately, we don’t create jobs, although we do advise clients on considering remote options – which we always support and encourage given our strong national talent pool. Which brings us to our next point:


What is Republican Jobs Seeing on the Political Job Market?

In the political job market, the challenges are distinct due to the fixed locations of legislative offices, state capitols, and campaign districts. For example, in political communications, being immediately present is often critical. Picture a communication crisis erupting just before an email blast; employers need quick, direct access to their team, not the delayed responses that remote working might entail. Similarly, campaign managers need to be physically present in their district to manage campaigns effectively.

At Republican Jobs, I frequently face the difficult task of removing the limited number of remote roles listed on our website each month. On a bad day, for every remote position available, we may receive applications from over 100 qualified candidates. The sheer volume of applications makes it a challenge to ensure that every client even reviews each one.

Jobs typically labeled “or Remote*” are designed for individuals who are not just qualified, but exceedingly so. These candidates have a wealth of experience, and firms are willing to offer them remote work opportunities to benefit from their extensive expertise. If you’re a hiring agency, you might be more inclined to consider someone overqualified for a remote role, as they would have the necessary experience. You might also be able to secure them for less, as the option to work remotely is often valued at about $10,000 by an applicant. Someone who has done the job before may require less micro-management. An applicant, focused on their own job search (as they should be!), doesn’t always see the larger picture on the other side of the hiring process.


What You SHOULDN’T Do in a Remote Job Search

At Republican Jobs, and at other recruitment agencies, we frequently notice applicants applying indiscriminately to every remote job posting they find, without considering if their qualifications align with the role. This pattern becomes transparent to hiring agencies and firms; it’s clear that the candidate is more focused on the remote aspect than the role itself. Typically, remote roles are designated for tasks that can feasibly be done remotely and are often occupied by individuals who are exceptionally skilled in their fields. Candidates who routinely apply for positions in this haphazard manner are often labeled as spammers and risk being overlooked for future job opportunities. For instance, applying for a role explicitly marked ‘remote for heavily experienced talent’ without the necessary experience can seriously damage your professional reputation. Likewise, applying for a senior digital position with no experience, simply because it’s remote, will not endear you to potential employers in the future.

The most flagrant cases involve applicants who apply for a position knowing it is not remote, and then, just before an offer is extended, insist on it being remote. This bait-and-switch tactic is not only disrespectful to the employer but also to the referring party. Such behavior is memorable for all the wrong reasons; employers will remember the time wasted. Moreover, a lack of transparency during the hiring process often indicates potential dishonesty in future work engagements. Beyond qualifications, employers seek candidates interested in the role and the company, not just the fact that it is remote.


What You SHOULD Do In a Remote Job Search

As we explore what you should be doing in your job search, it’s essential to recognize that remote roles often favor candidates who are either a strong match or sometimes slightly overqualified. Therefore, the first step is to ensure you are truly suitable for the role. For example, if your background is in press relations, a direct transition into a senior-level data role is unlikely.

  • Try Freelancing: Remember, most remote roles in politics are part-time contract work, particularly in digital and creative fields. Websites like GOP Jobs have an excellent freelancing section where you can find part-time work that aligns with your schedule. For more information, visit
  • Find an “In-State” Remote Job: At Republican Jobs, we regularly list roles such as our Pennsylvania Associate or Texas Executive Assistant positions at These positions are remote but require residency in the respective state and knowledge of local politics (state legislature and some federal levels). If you lack experience in a specific state, as previously mentioned, it becomes significantly harder to successfully place an applicant.
  • Look into Hybrid Roles: Many D.C. firms, although they don’t openly advertise it, are open to hybrid arrangements for individuals who have proven their ability to work effectively. If you’re actively engaged at a political consulting firm, you might discover that many of the 100+ firms Republican Jobs has collaborated with are open to employees coming into the office 2-4 days a week. This option is not widely advertised because it has been misused by some as a way to work less. Many D.C. jobs take into consideration that the D.C. commute has taken away from employee productivity.
  • Give a Real Reason Why You’re Qualified for the Role: If your pitch for being qualified for a role includes mentioning that it’s remote, you’re probably not going to make it past the initial screening. Focus on demonstrating why your skills and experience make you a fit for the specific responsibilities of the role, rather than the remote aspect.

How Republican Jobs Can Help

Republican Jobs is constantly searching for remote roles. While we can’t create roles, we do refer candidates for our clients’ roles as they become available. When a remote role does open, it’s crucial to respond swiftly when our team reaches out, as these positions don’t stay open for long. If a Republican Jobs recruiter waits more than 48 hours to hear from an applicant, the remote role is likely already filled. Please bear with the Republican Jobs team; as much as we want to help every qualified applicant we meet, we might not have the right role at the time of application. It may take multiple referrals to find success, especially in the remote market. Republican Jobs is also working to create long-term phone banking roles with partner organizations for those looking for a remote side hustle. Applicants who interview with us can let us know their preferences for ‘remote’. The best way to work with Republican Jobs is by letting us know which jobs genuinely interest you, and when applying, make sure to explain why you’re a good fit for the ROLE, not just that you saw that it was a REMOTE role.


Previous applicants can email us, and new applicants can apply at

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