Republican Jobs is a 2025 Reed Award Winner for “Best Political Service Team”. Find out why our clients love using Republican Jobs here.
Applicants Placed
Live & Interviewed Applicants
Organizations Placed (Non-Campaign)
~Estimated Client Hours Saved
~Average Retention Rate on Headhunting Placements
~Average Retention Rate on Field Referrals
Republican Jobs is a leading source for Republican campaigns and organizations seeking to hire/contract qualified professionals in the political field. We are dedicated to helping these campaigns and organizations succeed by identifying and referring top candidates. Our team of placement specialists/recruiters has a wealth of political experience in Republican politics and understands the skills and expertise necessary for success in electoral and related endeavors. During the 2022 election cycle, Republican Jobs successfully placed over 1,400 operatives on various campaigns and political roles. In the past three election cycles prior, our recruiters—drawing on their past roles—placed over 5,000 operatives in winning campaigns, teams, and state legislatures across more than 30 states, including Washington D.C..
Republican Jobs, a private sector company dedicated to its mission, facilitates referrals for roles with political consultants, political organizations, campaigns, non-profits, government agencies, state capitols, and the Hill to ensure the Republican Party is supported by the best staff possible. We are focused on empowering the broader conservative ecosystem by connecting professionals with opportunities across a variety of political and adjacent roles.